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California Brit Meets 2000

To: vtr@autox.team.net
Subject: California Brit Meets 2000
From: rfeibusch@loop.com (Richard Feibusch)
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 11:13:51 -0800 (PST)
Reply-to: rfeibusch@loop.com (Richard Feibusch)
Sender: owner-vtr@autox.team.net
11 - 21 - 1999 - DATELINE - CALIFORNIA

We just got our dates for the Palo Alto and Woodley Park car meets for
2000. AS far as we know, these wil not overlap any Vintage Races, other
British events or Jewish Holidays as we have in the past - There is so much
going on that we thought that it would be wise to get on everyones dance
card as early as possible - We also are planing to publish a few update
newsletters so if you are not on our snail mail list, send your address to:

rfeibusch@loop.com and you will be at one with the Children Of The Oil Spotz.

*  Palo Alto, El Camino Park - The 22nd Annual British Car  Meet, Saturday
British Car Magazine tour, Sept. 9 and Sunday All British Car Show, Sept.
10, 2000 - 310-392-6605 email: rfeibusch@loop.com


*  Van Nuys, Woodley Park - the 18th Annual Greater Los  Angeles British
Car Meet, Sunday Sept. 24, 2000 - 310-392-6605 email: rfeibusch@loop.com

We are still looking for an LA club to sponsor a rally/tour on Saturday the
23rd and we are considering a large swap meet if there is  enough interest.


We are also working on a possible combined British & European  meet called
Concours Europa in the spring sometime. I'm working with the  under three
litre French & Italian group and a number of local car clubs.  I will get
you a date as soon as we work things out.

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