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RE: VTR National Conventions accomadations

To: "kengano@advant.com" <kengano@advant.com> (IPM Return requested), "triumphs@Autox.Team.Net" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net> (IPM Return requested), "vtr@Autox.Team.Net" <vtr@Autox.Team.Net> (IPM Return requested)
Subject: RE: VTR National Conventions accomadations
From: "Lindberg, Andrew (MN12)" <Andrew.Lindberg@CORP.honeywell.com>
Date: 30 Mar 1998 08:46:29 -0600
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Kengano --

Excuse the delay in responding to your question.  I asked John Hagen, who 
has handled our contracts with the hotels, to check on it for you.  Since he 
is not e-mail equipped, it took longer than anticipated.  Plus, he was out 
of town for a week.

OK, here's what I've been told.  First, rooms are available at the Hudson 
House EXCEPT for the first day of the convention.  Second, the Hudson House 
is the only one of the five hotels with a bar.  The remaining hotels are the 
new style lodging facility, usually with a restaurant attached or close by 
 -- but not operated by the hotel.  Third, the Hudson House, Super 8 and the 
Holiday Inn have pools.  If you want the bar/pool combo for all of the 
convention days, you might try the Holiday Inn St. Paul East (612-731-2220) 
which is about ten miles away.

If this isn't sufficient information (and it doesn't seem to me it is) I'd 
be willing to drive over to Hudson next weekend and get some more info. 
 Anything else I should check?

Andy Lindberg (TR3 in Minnesota)

p.s.  Some people have been told by the hotel staffs that the facilities are 
fully booked.   We understand that they are not and that one of the 
following three phrases will allow you to reserve a room:  "Triumph", "VTR", 
or "John Hagen".
From: kengano@advant.com
To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net; vtr@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: VTR National Conventions accomadations
Date: Monday, March 23, 1998 8:05PM

    I understand the host hotel (Hudson House) is filled for Hudson
convention already.  As I will be traveling (as always) with my three sons,
it would be nice to find a Holidome, or similar facility.  Can someone from
the area advise me as to the closest motel with an indoor pool and the like.
We have always used the Holidome when going to TRF's summer party and it's
just to easy to dump the kids by the pool while Dad plays.  Also, an in
house bar is essential.  It's OK for Dad to order a pay per view movie and
then walk down the hall for a drink, but not OK to abandon the kids (ages
14, 12 and 10) while I carouse the local gin joints.

Thanks for your help.

downstate illinois
1959 TR3A TS57756L
1958 Model 10 Sedan TBE9239LDLB

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