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FW: "State of the VTR"

To: vtr
Subject: FW: "State of the VTR"
From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 10:48:24 -0700 (MST)
Reply-to: Mark J Bradakis <mjb>
Sender: owner-vtr@Autox.Team.Net
     Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 15:15:37 +0500 (EST)
     From: Andrew Mace <amace@unix2.nysed.gov>
     Subject: "State of the VTR"

The following is excerpted from my "Letter from the President" appearing
in the forthcoming issue #68 of TVT.
State of the VTR

   _Vice President_. Glenn Danford has stepped down as Vice
President of Vintage Triumph Register, and I would like to take
this opportunity to publicly thank Glenn for his work in this
position. The Board has asked Vernon Brannon, VTR's Peerless/
Warwick Vehicle Consultant, to fill this position as Acting Vice

   Meanwhile, the National Board seeks candidates to permanently
fill the office of Vice President. The successful candidate
should possess many of the following skills and experiences:

   1.   Good management skills in organizing and running programs
        for a volunteer organization.
   2.   Ability to recommend and initiate workable and creative
        solutions to day-to-day situations that arise.
   3.   Good written and oral communications skills.
   4.   Sufficient free time to handle the responsibilities.
   5.   Good negotiation skills, and a "win-win" attitude.
   6.   Willingness to make a strong, multiyear commitment to the
        office and to the National Board.
   7.   Held an officer position in a VTR Chapter or similar
   8.   Ability to attend the VTR National Conventions on a
        regular basis.

   Members interested in applying for the office of Vice
President are asked to submit a one-page resume outlining their
qualifications as suggested above, and submit that resume along
with a cover letter to Andrew Mace, President, Vintage Triumph
Register, at the address listed on the inside front cover of
this magazine. Applications via e-mail are also acceptable, as
are faxes (please send them, with a cover sheet, to my attention
at 518-486-2152). Please submit your resume prior to April 15,
1998. The Board of Directors will announce its decision at the
1998 National Convention in Hudson, Wisconsin. If you have any
questions, please feel free to contact me.

   _Travel Assistance Program_. Responses for updates for the
second edition of the Membership Travel Assistance Program
booklet have been overwhelming. It would appear at this writing
that the booklet, which we hope to have published sometime this
spring, will more than double in number of listings. Some might think it
disappointing that we have not had too much feedback on the
original edition. I like to think that is because Triumphs are
pretty reliable to begin with and that we take good care of our
cars to prevent problems on the highway. However, feedback and
other expressions of support we have received from those listed
and those who have made use of the booklet have been
overwhelmingly positive. (Just ask members Ken Streeter and Fred
Thomas how they view this program!)

   _Other Accomplishments in the Past Year_. As has been noted by
any number of members in the recent past, this magazine has not
always maintained a true "quarterly" publication schedule. I
would note that, in 1997, four issues of _The Vintage Triumph_
were published. We are working to maintain and improve on the
schedule for editing, publishing and mailing of this magazine on
a timely basis, as well as continuing to improve content.
   Chris Hansel continues to oversee the inclusion of some
outstanding editorial content and feature articles. Likewise,
Ken Streeter continues to greatly improve "The English Channel"
section with every issue. The addition of Andy Lindberg as
Technical Editor is a definite plus as we work to include more
of the maintenance and other technical information so many of
you request. And many thanks go to Advertising Manager Kent
Howard, who has done an outstanding job in soliciting additional
advertising, which not only helps subsidize publishing costs to
some extent, but also provides a service to the membership in
bringing more vendor and service information to the membership.
   I would also note that we are attempting to make information
about VTR regalia and the book and back issue service a regular
part of the magazine. Al Stryeski and Herb Hummer, respectively,
put much effort into these programs, profits from which go back
into the respective programs to continue and improve these
   And don't forget our now-full roster of Vehicle Consultants.
All of them share an impressive level of knowledge, experience
and enthusiasm, and a willingness to help fellow owners as best
they can.

   _Chapters and Zones_. The dozens of local Chapters and Zones
of VTR continue to be an important connection with members
across the country (and Canada). As of this writing, at least
two Zones are on the verge of being elevated to full Chapter
status, and at least one new Zone is in the works. And the
addition of Sam Clark as Chapter Coordinator for the South
Central region is already paying off in terms of improved
communications and relations with Chapters and Zones in that
area, even as the other Chapter Coordinators continue their
efforts in keeping us all "connected"!
   As for "connections," institution of a dedicated e-mail
discussion list (VTR-CHAPTERS) has already proven useful and
will continue to benefit VTR and the Chapters and Zones. We
don't have everyone "online" just yet, but we're working on it.
In other "connections" of the electronic kind, the VTR Web site
continues to expand and thrive. It is a wealth of information
for any Triumph owner, and it is a handy source for information
about VTR and its Chapters and Zones that has paid off in dozens
of new memberships. And don't forget that all VTR members with
access to e-mail are welcome to join the VTR "general
membership" e-mail list.
   I will go on record in saying that we in VTR have no intention
of abandoning print resources such as this magazine in favor of
an "all-electronic" club. Personally, I find it extremely useful
to have so much information available through my personal
computer. At the same time, and like so many of our members, I
appreciate even more being able to pull an issue of TVT (or a
Triumph history, or workshop manual, spares parts catalog or
vendor publication) off my bookshelf and sit down in a
comfortable chair to browse at my leisure. We in VTR have every
intention of continuing to improve not only resources available
via the Internet, but also those resources available in print,
such as the magazine, the TAP booklets, and future plans that
include an index of technical information appearing in this
magazine, with the possible added benefit of a reprint service
at nominal cost.
   I would like to touch briefly on Conventions. All reports
indicate that both Regional and National Conventions in 1997
were very successful and enjoyed thoroughly by nearly everyone
who attended. I would take particular note of the "impromptu"
Concours judging class in Fort Worth, made up of competition-
prepared Triumphs separate from the Modified class. This seemed
to meet with universal approval and enjoyment. As there appears
to be a ground swell movement to make this a large class in
Hudson this summer, we look to make this class an official,
separate class as needed.
   And, now that I've brought up the dreaded "C" word, I would
like to ask again for membership input. I would really like to
hear from as many of you as possible how you feel about Concours
competition. Not to bias anyone's thoughts, but I will offer my
own perspective -- strictly as a member and not as a statement
of VTR policy. I would very much like to see Concours
competition continue as an integral part of VTR Conventions.
Both individual and club efforts to document originality in the
production of our cars should be encouraged. As a North
American-based club, I would like to see VTR continue to focus
especially on that aspect of Triumph production.
   As much as I encourage and appreciate efforts to maintain
originality by those who choose that pursuit, I encourage also 
those who choose to personalize their cars in whatever way, be
it cosmetic or performance-minded or simply to keep the car on
the road as a daily driver.
   As this is a club devoted to the Triumph automobile, I do
somewhat regret the increasing tendency towards Participants'
Choice competition over the "dreaded" Concours. There are
sufficient opportunities at other kinds of shows for "beauty
contests"; I feel that it is the responsibility of a marque club
to foster research about the cars and to recognize and reward
efforts towards preservation and "as-original" restoration AND
appreciate and recognize the talents and expertise of those who
choose to follow different paths.
   Given VTR's "mission" there will always be those caught in the
middle. For example, someone who chooses to create a faithful
"reproduction" of a model not normally available in the U.S.
market (i.e. TR7 Sprint) has to accept the fact that such a car
cannot fairly or honestly compete with "stock" versions of the
same model. But that is one of the benefits of the Modified
Class in Concours in providing a category for such cars.
   Those are my views, but this club is not just me. I would like
to know how YOU view Concours competition:
*  Should there be more or less emphasis on Participants' Choice
   as an additional option?
*  Is Concours competition adequate as it presently exists?
*  Should VTR continue to strive towards fair and accurate
   judging, perhaps based on any and all available documentation
   and research?
Please send me your comments on these questions, US mail or e-

75th Anniversary. I can't close without noting that 1998 is, of
course, the 75th anniversary of the Triumph car (and the 95th
anniversary of the Standard marque). From that first "Quality
Light Car" (10/20) to the last of the "Shape of Things to Come"
(TR7s, TR8s), the name Triumph has been applied to a fascinating
range of products developed, built and ultimately enjoyed to
this day by an equally fascinating group of people. Enjoy this
year of celebration of the Triumph marque!


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