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Re: [Fwd: ?column-mounted headlamp dimmer(high-low]

To: R John Lye <rjl6n@uva.pcmail.Virginia.EDU>
Subject: Re: [Fwd: ?column-mounted headlamp dimmer(high-low]
From: Bill Wood <triumph1@nr.infi.net>
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 21:29:41 -0700
Cc: HPB@rsclaw.com, Ken Streeter <streeter@sanders.com>, vtr@autox.team.net
Organization: InfiNet
References: <199710161832.OAA11360@uva.pcmail.virginia.edu>
Reply-to: Bill Wood <triumph1@nr.infi.net>
Sender: owner-vtr@autox.team.net
R John Lye wrote:
> I vaguely remember Andy Mace (I think it was) mentioning some
> switches like this on either a Triumph (Standard) 10 sedan
> or maybe it was one of his Mayflowers.  For what it's worth,
> I know that there's a Lucas interchange manual - does
> anyone on the list have this book?
> John Lye
> rjl6n@virginia.EDU
> http://avery.med.virginia.edu/~rjl6n/homepage.htm

I saw this very manual today at the Euro 97 show at the BMW plant in
S.C.  Didn't look for the price.  It was handled by a company call
BritBooks.  PO Box 321, Otego, N.Y.  13825  1 800 732-3646
http://esp.norwich.net/britbook     britbook@norwich.net

Hope this helps.

Bill Wood
Greensboro, N.C.

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