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Re: Drivers vs. Showers (another long one...)

To: Triumphs TRList <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Drivers vs. Showers (another long one...)
From: "Carl Musson (EVENTS)" <musson@arts.usf.edu>
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 00:09:49 -0400 (EDT)
Cc: VTR TRList <vtr@Autox.Team.Net>
In-reply-to: <970722154726_1480723938@emout03.mail.aol.com>
Reply-to: "Carl Musson (EVENTS)" <musson@arts.usf.edu>
Sender: owner-vtr@Autox.Team.Net
First, I must say that I have not been to a National.  Distance, timing,
and other factors.  (July is a killer month for me at work).  I have made
it to two SE Regionals (Tallahasee & Orlando) without vehicles.  There is
none planned for this year :-( 

There have been a lot of very honest and open comments about the status of
the VTR National and how it can be improved with a few gripes that may or
may not be valid.  I have no basis of comment on that.  However, as one
who coordinates a wide variety of conferences, workshops, seminars, and
related activities (having nothing to do with our hobby), I can recognize
the amount of time and effort that goes into the planning and
implementation of an event such as the National.  I can also symphathize
with those who put in that time and effort when the hindsight factor comes
into play.  ANYTHING CAN BE BETTER IF...    So, my hat is off to the
organizers of this year's National and is also off to those that will be
working on next year's this weekend and next weekend and many more days
and nights until it happens next July.  

Hobby - to most of us that is what our cars are to us.  It provides us
with an opportunity to meet others of similar interests.  Also, it
provides us with a release from everything else that is happening in our
lives.  My interpretation may be quite a bit different from any one of
you, and that is evident in my choice of model (and particular car for
"restoration"), my decision to have a "driver" that will never see a
concours judging or an autocross track (well, maybe my next project - it
sure looks like fun... :-). Just as it is your choice to enjoy your hobby
as you wish.  To some that hobby is spending the time and effort to make
it "show room" perfect+ or to make it the quickest around the autox track. 
Or, it may be just the joy of tearing down the engine or transmission or
whatever and put it back together again.  Whether it is trailered or
driven, that is up to the person who put the time, effort and dollars into
that particular car for the purpose in which that person intended.  But
that should not take away the one thing that we all have in common.  The
desire to keep a certain type of vehicle alive and in the minds of those
that see them. 

VTR and other organizations like it (this includes groups for other lbc's,
American Iron, or even that M-car) are made up of individuals who share
that same desire and are willing to make an effort to provide
opportunities for us to enjoy our cars.  Last time I checked there were
over 200 lbc events this year listed on the VTR event pages.  The fact
that the National is a multi-day (3-4 days) event (compared to a regional
that may be over a weekend compared to the local 1-day event) is very
important to me.  A "Best of Show" or some of the other suggestions for
different awards is appealing but not really necessary.  Getting the
National close to a track for tracktime is appealing but not really
necessary.  Getting it in more rural areas so that our cars can be driven
as they are "meant"  to be driven (someone else's words) is appealing but
not necessary.  The opportunity to meet with others, swap war stories,
pick up that extra little "watchmacallit", drool over the "better than
new" concours car (admit it - you are just a bit jealous, I know I am),
look at all of the other examples of the marque, and to be just a part of
the whole experience is appealing and ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.

To Andy, the rest of the Board of Directors, to the Ft Worth chapter, to
Minnesota Triumphs, 

and hopefully, I will see some of you somewhere down the road.  I'll be
the one driving the white TR3 - top down - with a great big smile on my
face - waving at any and every lbc that comes my way....


| CARL F. MUSSON, Coordinator           INTERNET:musson@arts.usf.edu |
| Tampa, FL       Opinions expressed are mine and not of my employer.|
\   '58 TR3A (TS25264L) - http://www.arts.usf.edu/~musson/triumph/   /

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