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Re: Car Show Drop Ins

To: triumph1@nr.infi.net, vtr@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Car Show Drop Ins
From: EPaul21988@aol.com
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 1997 10:25:38 -0400 (EDT)
Cc: vtr-admin@Autox.Team.Net
Reply-to: EPaul21988@aol.com
Sender: owner-vtr@Autox.Team.Net
Thanks for your perspective.  I appreciate all the work that organizers must
go through to put on a show.  My intent is not to criticise or demean.
  Clubs are run by those who have the desire and energy to do the work,
without them there wuld be no club, right.  I am sure that the Texas group
did the best they could and although I did not attend I personally will thank
them for their efforts.  What we call a mistake is defined only by hindsight.
 They only way to prevent them is to do nothing.

Please note that I did not say 'free' in asking about drop in participants.
 I did not realize that drop in necessarily meant freeloader.  I was only
looking for ways to include as many enthusiasts as possible.  Maybe  the
 drop ins  aren't club members.  Maybe they can be enticed to join and
participate formally.  No cars, no show, no fun.  Include, in some way, as
many cars as possible.  I have an US  or THEM attitude too but it is applied
to MG owners!
Bob Paul

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