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Re: non-concourse cars

To: Sherry & Erik <sclose@swbell.net>
Subject: Re: non-concourse cars
From: billsohl@planet.net (Bill Sohl)
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 01:13:23 -0500
Cc: vtr@Autox.Team.Net
Reply-to: billsohl@planet.net (Bill Sohl)
Sender: owner-vtr@Autox.Team.Net
>One more thought..
>How about letting these types just enter non-competition. Where they
>still get to sit next to other like cars, no big entry fees, no
>trophy's, just fun. 

One point to remember is the difference between a multi-day
convention or regional as opposed to a one-day show.

The folks that registered and paid their fees for the registration
of a multiday meet would be miffed if others were added to
the field without being a convention participant.  The fees for a second 
(or third) car this year were very high compared to other nationals.  
I don't know why that was so, but it obviously negatively
impacted some people's decsion to bring a second car.  

As to one day shows, we usually approach them as a donation and
simply enjoy being there with our fellow owners, regardless of any
trophy possibilities.  Here in the northeast,
there are many large events that charge admission to spectate
and you'll often find it cheaper or of almost no difference to 
pay the 10/12 bucks to have the car on the field than to pay
individual per person admission and have to worry about the car
being in the general parking area.  In many cases, we even put
a Do Not Judge sign on the car so we don't need to hang
around waiting for a judging team.  

Bill Sohl

Bill Sohl   Budd Lake, NJ   billsohl@planet.net

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