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List maintenance this weekend

To: admin
Subject: List maintenance this weekend
From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 16:39:41 -0700 (MST)
Reply-to: Mark J Bradakis <mjb>
Sender: list-admin
I'm shooting for upgrading majordomo on autox.team.net to 1.94 this weekend,
so there may be periods of no service.  Don't worry about it until next week.
I'll also try to get to some other pending list related stuff, maybe even
getting out some replies to outstanding tech and parts order queries.  We
shall see.

Again, as a reminder to all, you are getting this message because you are
on on of the two dozen or so mailing lists run from autox.team.net.  If you
want to get off of whatever list you are on, send mail to


with nothing but the command

   unsubscribe <name_of_list_you_are_on>

By the way, if you are giving out info in club newsletters, private email or
whatever telling folks how to subscribe, PLEASE put some effort into making
sure you are giving out correct info.  Basically, all people need to do is
send mail to majordomo@autox.team.net with nothing but the command

   subscribe <name_of_list_you_want_to_join>

I've seen a lot of folks claiming that it should be

   subscribe <name_of_list_you_want_to_join> <your_email_address>

This second form may work, assuming that the address given is a correct
and valid one.  But 98% of the time it is NOT needed, and only confuses
the issue.  Especially when there are so many folks who are absolutely
clueless about mailing lists flooding the net these days, and put in things
like 'bozo at cereal'  when their address is really 'bozo@cereal.box.isp'
It's amazing some of the things people send to majordomo, even after they've
gotten the various help files several times already!


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