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Re: Synthetic Oil

To: bill <triumph1@nr.infi.net>
Subject: Re: Synthetic Oil
From: billsohl@planet.net (Bill Sohl)
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 1996 00:13:13 -0500
Cc: vtr@autox.team.net
Reply-to: billsohl@planet.net (Bill Sohl)
Sender: owner-vtr
>Would you like to read my lab report on the oil I had in since 89?  The
>ONLY way you can tell if oil needs changing is by lab analysis.  Do you 
>have any friends/contacts in the trucking industry.  Big fleets?  
>They sample their oil.  Think about it...
>BTW, according to the lab report my oil didn't need changing!  Now you'll
>really flip!  Want me to resign?
>Bill Wood


I've never really subscribed to the "change oil every 3K miles
or 3 months" routine myself, but I do have a question. What is the
cost of the lab analysis?  Seems to me that for probably less than the
cost of the analysis and mailing of the sample you can simply change the oil
and filter.  

Just a thought in terms of the practical aspect of the economics
and time involved.

Frankly, I belive that most of our collector cars are best served
by changing the oil once a year.  After all, few put more than 2000
miles a year on their car and many don't even hit 1000.  

Just my .02


Bill Sohl   Budd Lake, NJ   billsohl@planet.net
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