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tr3 radiator

To: vtr@autox.team.net
Subject: tr3 radiator
From: Ken Streeter <streeter@sanders.com>
Date: Mon, 06 May 1996 07:18:16 -0400
Cc: dcook@archon.educ.kent.edu
Reply-to: Ken Streeter <streeter@sanders.com>
Sender: owner-vtr
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Date: Sat, 04 May 1996 09:46:20 -0400
From: dcook <dcook@archon.educ.kent.edu>
Organization: Kent State UNiversity
To: vtr-www@vtr.sanders.com
Subject: tr3 radiator

If you could answer this question for me it would really help. Is it
possible to remove the radiator of a tr3 without taking off the front 
end? Also, while I'm at it, is there a trick to removing the 
coupling (pipe, looks like it might be brass) that goes to the water 
Essentially I've broken off the generator belt tightener bolt that 
screws into the generator (flush). I couldn't get to it with an ezout, 
and thought the radiator needed rebuilt anyway so I've removed about 
everything in sight (except for the front end) and I'm about an inch 
from getting it (the radiator) out. But no go...is it possible?

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