With profound saddness the members and families of Adirondack Triumph
Association wish to recognize the passing of VTR President, Dennis Riley
by dedicating the 1996 VTR National Convention to his memory. His warm
gentle presence will be sorely missed.
In other news, a block of rooms that had been reserved at the Holiday Inn
has been released. There are approximately 20 rooms available as of 4/15.
Call (518) 783-6161. Be sure to tell them you're with the Triumph
convention to get the convention rate.
There are still approximately 50 rooms left in our block at the Hampton
Inn (same side of the road next door to Century Inn). These can be reserved
by calling (518) 785-0000. Again, be sure to tell them you're with the
convention to get the convention rate.
Also, our registrars, Pete & Dianne Fullam report that the TR3 Dinner
Cruise is selling VERY well. So if you're planning on going, get your
registration in soon. Space is limited.
There appear to be a large number of errors occuring on the registrations
received thus far. Most are the result of people forgeting to take the
early registration discount or misinterpreting the second car or second
driver charge. Others are opting for one show or the other and not specifying
a moving event to qualify. PLEASE read the registration carefully. If you
have any questions please call Pete & Dianne at (518)371-9138 after 5pm
or e-mail at dfullam@albany.net. It will make your check in MUCH faster.
More information as it becomes available.
See you all in July
Rik & Vicki Schlierer
Convention Co-Chairpersons
Rik Schlierer "Imagination is what allows you
RGS03@HEALTH.STATE.NY.US to remember things that
NYS DEPT OF HEALTH, ALBANY NY never happened" (D.T.M.)