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Upcoming vacation

To: all-cars
Subject: Upcoming vacation
From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb>
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 1995 01:51:32 -0600
It won't be long now, I'll be heading out to the Eastern Oven for the
1995 Vintage Triumph Register convention.  I did buy a tow vehicle with
working air conditioning a few days ago, hope it works!

During the week or so I am gone [July 24 to Aug 2 or 3] I may be in touch
with my machine, I may not.  I didn't follow up on the idea of taking a
clone of the server with me, but we may still have a Web demo at the meet
of one form or another.  Maybe I'll get a chance to update some of the
links under the www.team.net page before I go, so folks at Rockford won't
be chasing down old references.

I'll try to catch up on outstanding requests that require my intervention
before I go.  Right before I leave I'll send out another message with some
hints as to what to do if something goes seriously awry during my absence.
Things normally go fairly smoothly, so I anticipate no problems.

As a reminder, if your mail isn't showing up on the list, make sure you are
not sending it to majordomo@autox, or <list_name>-owner@autox.team.net, but
to <list_name>@autox.team.net.  And to get a list of the lists served here,
send a message to majordomo@autox.team.net with the single word "lists" as
the body of the message.  If you need help, chances are you'll get a help
message back if you do something majordomo doesn't understand, like send the
word "Frobulator" as a message.


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