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Owner's list

To: vtr@autox.team.net
Subject: Owner's list
From: hal@gort.space.swri.edu
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 95 10:25:36 -0600

   I wonder if you guys can help me.  I am trying to answer a question
about the boot lid on my early TR3A (TS22459).  Interestingly enough,
this car has a boot with two budget locks, one on each side of the
lid, and a central key lock.  According to the book `Original Triumph
TR' by Piggott, this configuration, which was standard on TR3's, was
replaced by the central handle when Triumph started to building 3A's.
So, the question arises as to whether my car has the original lid or
not.  I would like to talk to owners with older TR3A's in order to ask
about the boot locks.  Is it possible to get a list of people with
cars with SN between TS22014 and TS22459?

Hal Levison       
Geophysical, Astrophysical,                (I)  hal@gort.space.swri.edu
      & Planetary Sciences                 (D)  swri::levison
Southwest Research Institute
1050 Walnut St, Suite 429                  (303) 546-0290 
Boulder, CO  80302                    Fax: (303) 546-9687

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