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Re: TR6 oil change

To: ge1586@siucvmb.siu.edu
Subject: Re: TR6 oil change
From: "Ken Streeter" <streeter@sanders.com>
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 1995 15:25:39 -0500

On Feb 28,  2:11pm, Larry_Schilling_at_LotusXchgPO@lotusgw1.wham3.siu. wrote:
>   I read the piece on the TR 6 oil change and got wondering if the author
>   made any avoidable mistakes or is it just that bad.  Also is there a
>   "preferred" brand of oil filter that works best or is easiest to install?
>   If so, what brand and number?

Well, the TR6 oil change catastrophe is a bit of both the author (me) not
having done it before, and the TR6 oil canister being in a lousy spot on LHD

Many TR6 enthusiasts suggest using a spin-on oil filter adapter kit.  This
gives the advantage of the filter being in a vertical position, as well as
greatly simplifying changing of the filter.

The vertical position has two major advantages:
   1) oil stays in it when the car is turned off, meaning that it takes less
time for the oil pump to get oil to the engine when the car is first started.
   2) when doing an oil change, not quite as much oil pours all over

If using the stock filter (I am still doing so), the original Unipart filter
number is GFE131.  Such a filter is available from the big three TR6 suppliers,
plus many others.  (The big 3 are The Roadster Factory, Moss Motors, and
Victoria British.)

I have not been able to find an equivalent filter in any local automotive
store. Fram does list a number for the TR6, but I can not recall what it is,
and have not seen it in stores.

I have purchased a spin-on adapter kit, but have not yet mounted it.  I am not
sure what the "preferred" sort of "off-the-shelf" filter is, but it looks like
the same filter that goes on my Taurus (PH3600) would fit it.

I also have two brand new Unipart GFE131 filters.  I was planning on using the
stock filters until they are used up, and then switching to the spin-on


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