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[Vintage-race] The 2010 Racing season

To: <>, "Vintage Race"
Subject: [Vintage-race] The 2010 Racing season
From: "Ralph Steinberg" <>
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 12:01:44 -0500
I hope everyone had a safe and happy Thanksgiving and for those racing at
the VRG Turkey Bowl today I hope the added weight has not slowed you down to

 On to the 2010 season..

 By now anyone who has been vintage racing for more than a year has gotten
one of these yearly messages from me, but that is Ok and hopefully you will
keep getting them for a long, long time.

 As this year winds down and we put away our cars for the season it is
already time to start thinking about next year. Regardless of what our out
of touch with reality government may think neither last year was anything I
want to remember and I am expecting to be keeping close tabs on my wallet
next year too. I keep hoping to wake up and see all of this money sitting in
it that I keep hearing about.


 So saying I expect that you will all be picking and choosing your races
with care this coming year. Well, I want to offer you the most bang for your
buck in Vintage Racing anywhere!

 The PVGP/VRG Historic Races at BeaveRun!! First two proven organizations
coming together to produce one of the safest, most fun filled events on the
Historic racing calendar, Second besides getting plenty of track time and
races, over an hour and an half for most of you, a bit more for some and at
least 5 races plus a practice for everyone. And that does not count Friday.
If you sign up for the whole day there add about another 2 hours of track
time! And since the check you make out is to the PVGP a portion of this is
tax deductable. (What you chose to deduct is between you, your Tax
Accountant and God) and third.. and this is a big third, check our prices! I
think we will be the best deal going for 2010!

 As always we will have a free reception at the track on Friday night, we
will offer a very reasonably priced dinner at the track on Saturday, garages
to rent and other stuff, too numerous to mention here.


 I have a challenge for our Formula Vee and Formula Ford drivers, the
opportunity to have a pure Ford race and a separate pure Vee race. You can
go to for all of the info on that Just click the
vintage race button and then the "rush hour" picture!


 Last year was our second year of our Beaver Trans-Am, it went very well for
the most part (OK shoot me now for the botched finish in under 2 liters! I
will promise that will not happen again) And the event grew from the
previous year. Let's keep it going

 For those who have never been to BeaveRun let me say a few things now. It
is around a mile and a third long. Stop!! Before you shrug it off and say
not interested small track and I have a big fast car.. It is about the same
size as LimeRock and I used to go to the IMSA GTP races there and they were
neither small or slow! I also shared the weekend with Nascar type cars and
they made my Jag look a bit small and were definitely not slow! I have raced
various cars at both tracks and while I will always enjoy LimeRock and it
remains a favorite I prefer BeaveRun. It is a lot harder to nail down than
it looks and when you do get a good lap in there is no place at LimeRock
that is as fast! And it is a safer track for both novice and expert alike!
So come on out and discover both the track and the PVGP/VRG


 And as always besides offering you our drivers and friends a terrific
weekend you help make it possible for us to support our charities The
Pittsburgh Autistic Society and the Allegheny School. With your help we have
been able to donate close to 3 million dollars to them. For all of them I
say Thank You!


For more information, entry forms, schedule, etc please go to and click the vintage race button, then the "rush
hour button" everything you need will be there and as the season moves on
updates, late breaking information and other will show up there.



Ralph Steinberg

PVGP Director Of Competition BeaveRun Historics
Support Team.Net

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