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another SimpleSevens update

Subject: another SimpleSevens update
From: John Donohoe <>
Date: Tue, 2 May 2006 12:45:39 -0700 (PDT)
So things are quiet and I'm taking quick advantage to
post some additional material:

First is Jack Tripp's S2 Restoration progress, with
photos of the process of re-attaching the old skins...

Second is my breaking of the story that the original
SB1843 has come to light (previously Dean Watt's 'Long
Lost Seven') and, hence, my more persistent
questioning of Ed Scheid's claim that his scratch
built 'Seven' can be associated with that number...

Ed: I found the documentation that you were looking
for -- it points to another car!!!

These are all linked from the main page of

Enjoy :-)

John D.
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