To all:
Hearing something like this makes me sick. I recall when Kenny Epsman's
Shelby and rig was stolen. Fortunately, he recovered both the car and the
trailer a couple weeks later, but lost some tools in the process. Luckily,
car was still more or less in one piece. This is a growing concern and
This is not a commercial, and I stand no financial gain, but I wanted to
alert everyone to a device that could help in such a situation. One of my
business clients is Trimble Navigation. They make a relatively inexpensive
portable location product called TrimTrac. TrimTrac is small (a little
than a paperback book), fully self-contained, and can either run on AA
batteries, or be wired directly to 12V. It has a GPS receiver and a GSM
telephone module. If it senses motion, it begins reporting its location to a
central service. You subscribe to the service and in case your vehicle or
trailer or whatever its located on is stolen, you can find where it is. You
even specifiy it to start reporting if it moves outside of a specified
geographic location (a "geo fence", its called). You get access to a website
shows you where your Trimtrac is whenever you want to know.
If you're interested and want more info, I suggest you go to
_www.trimtrac.com_ ( . Trimble sells these to third
parties who
provide the central services (i.e. call center) that's part of this. I
they can refer you to a service provider in your area. I plan on installing
one on my trailer this week (in addition to the chains, cables, and
hitchlocks I already have on it).
Myles H. Kitchen