My '62 Corvette water temperature nominally runs 10 degrees cooler at the
upper temperature range with Water Wetter (sp?)...I was curious and did a
lot of on road runs before I was comfortable with believing in the
product...can't really say that the oil temps were affected; it is my
impression, that after extremely high oil temps were observed, the recovery
or drop in oil temp was quicker...but that is subjective...I use distilled
water and water wetter in a DeWitt radiator. And no, I don't own any RL
stock...but I did buy a case of WW.
Phillip Buttolph
Diving Safety Officer
Humboldt State University Arcata, CA 95521
(707) 826-4104
'62 Sateen Silver Corvette
"That isn't Duct or Duck Tape; it is Sateen Silver Racing Tape!"