That's what is nice about living in a Democracy, freedom of speech. (
1984 ) We can exercise our rights every day without the fear of censorship
or retribution. New information can be disseminated to new people just
joining the enjoyment of Vintage Racing. For those of you that might not
need to learn anything new, or share anything for the upcoming participants
that we all need to replace our sorry asses and purchase our over inflated
price cars . . . use your delete buttons.
Otherwise, we can all learn from the mentoring of others, as in the
following discussion.
> 'Tis a sad site to walk into the garage during the first warm week of
Spring and see a puddle of water under the race car.
>Greatly increases prep time (and expense) for the coming
>>>>>>>>>>>Worse yet is to fire it up and let it run without remembering to
put the water back in!>jw>>>>>>>>>
(Sage advice! Thanks Jack, I have learned a lot from your comments over the
years. Tag on the dash/steering wheel is always helpful.)
Personally, I use distilled water during racing season, change to coolant
and a heat lamp during those really cold Colorado Nights. But, I am
interested in learning what might be a better way around the country, that
this list provides, if we don't have one grump that wants to end a
discussion when his is bored with it.
Just use your delete button. The Vintage-race-digest does not have that
much discussion traffic to task too many people. A good fiber diet is
always a big assist too.
> >
> Whoo whee! We've got some LAZY racers on this list, don't we? Coolant is
slippery, there's no two ways
> about it, and although I'm not the most gifted mechanic in the world, I
can change the coolant in my
> MGB in about 20 minutes including cleanup.>>
>>>>>>>>>>>I have made a notation in my tech log such that Mr. Spohn can
expect "extra
attention" should he ever decide to come to an SVRA event.>Jack
>>>>>>>>>>>>> All of these arguments have a certain degree of validity but
when you consider that most organizations have had this antifreeze ban for
10-15 years, it really isn't an issue anymore. I am actually surprised to
see it even being discussed now.> jw>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> I'm hearing lots of complaints and grumblings about this requirement, but
we're going to stick to our position on this. My advice is anyone planning
to run on the track...drain your coolant and run water. You and everyone
else will be better off.>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>END OF DISCUSSION.>Jack Woehrle, SVRA>>>>>>>>>>>>>>