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Re: Stolen RMVR Sprite Race Car and rig

To: <>, <>,
Subject: Re: Stolen RMVR Sprite Race Car and rig
From: "Carl McLelland" <>
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2004 17:49:57 -0800
I can certainly simpathize your dilemma. Almost 30 years ago I was the victim
of a residential burglary that affected me much the same way..... to the
degree that I changed career paths and became a cop. When compared to many
"Italian jobs" my little Lotus 61 ain't worth much, but to me, and my level on
the food chain..... it's a GTO!!!

Remember a couple things...... The courts look at "reasonableness" when
looking at use-of-force. Expressed another way..... "pity the fool who brings
a knife to a gun fight!". And just remember this, especially since there are
video camera's running everywhere these days...... Just keep yelling, as loud
as you can, while you beat the living dog shit out of him..... "STOP

Good luck in finding the @(*^&!%$(*% who took your prized possession..... may
the alley be dark with just enough ambient noise to cover whatever

May your flags be green then checkered!!

    Carl McLelland,    HSR-West   #247    Lotus 61 formula Ford
        Deputy Sheriff, Retired, Washoe County Sheriff's Office, Traffic
                                           Major Accident Investigation Team
  Subject: RE: Stolen RMVR Sprite Race Car and rig

  > Dear Vintage Community.
  > One of our RMVR members, on his way to race at CVAR's Hallett event, had
  > entire rig stolen last night from the parking lot of a motel he was
  > at in Denver.  Perhaps the immediacy of this alert might help.  If you
  > recognize any of the following, please contact the owner, Mark Hansen.

  Here goes Rick atop his soapbox.  A little over a year ago some low-life
  bottom feeders broke into my race shop and left with about $15,000 in tools
  and about half that much in car parts which, you should know, aren't
  by standard insurance policies.  They go with the car that is insured, and
  if it's an uninsured race car, they are NOT covered.  My lesson learned!
  They took, for chrissakes, an Offy intake for a 230 Chevy and its matching
  carb.  Big market for that...right?  And just the other day I went to
  retrieve a Chevy three-speed that (someday) is destined for a '38 Chevy
  stock car I want to build.  Well, that tranny won't be installed in any car
  of mine 'cause it ain't there any more.

  I have absolutely no use for anyone who will steal from another.  As far as
  I am concerned they can shoot 'em, throw them in prison for the rest of
  their life...anything they want short of "rehabilitating" them, then
  releasing them to steal again.

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