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simpson belts rewebbing program discontinued!

To: "vintage-race" <>
Subject: simpson belts rewebbing program discontinued!
From: "Charles Christ" <>
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2004 07:56:23 -0500
since i hillclimb my saab i was aware of the required SCCA 2 year old belt
ruling.   when i purchased my simpson belts a rewebbing program was in
effect.   last week i called to find out that simpson has discontinued the
rewebbing program completly!    instead they offered to sell me a whole new
set at their trade in price (cam lock) of 150.00.   this operation requires
cutting off 2 SFI labels and a manufacturers label(in simpson's case a sewn
on simpson patch) and mailing the 3 labels to simpson.
yes i'm a bit put off by their gracious offer since other manufacturers out
there are offering lower prices for the same SFI rating on belts and
rewebbing at evry two years to comply with the SCCA's rules.    if you can
purchase a set at the same SFI rating with a rewebbing / recertification
service , why purchase simpson's products ?

"that darn oarnge saab"
a new set of belts were installed in my car monday from another

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