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Re: can you ID this?

Subject: Re: can you ID this?
Date: Sun, 29 Feb 2004 00:02:30 EST
The white "MGA" is a Victress body, built in the 1950s. The S-1A fit a 99" 
wheelbase, while the S-5 fit a 94" wheelbase (primarily MG T-series). They were 
kit cars, and well made (for the time). I have more info and copies of sales 
brochures if you decide to buy one.
The second car is a CMC Gazelle kit car, or the similar Piper Lance (there 
were a few others who also ripped off the CMC original). They had two versions, 
one for a VW chassis, one with a tube frame that took Pinto or Chevette 
running gear. The Victress would make a cool vintage racer, but the Gazelle is 
street-only deal.
Harold Pace
1959 Devin SS
Anvil FV

In a message dated 2/28/04 7:47:47 PM, writes:

<< The first car was found by a member of an MG list and we have not been 
able to pin it down exactly, Obviously personalized somewhat but can anyone 
light on this? >>

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