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Re: Stolen Shelby from Last years Mid America

Subject: Re: Stolen Shelby from Last years Mid America
From: Don Tiana <>
Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 13:16:12 -0700
Excellent news, thanks Bryan and Kudos on somebodys job 
well done. It's to bad that we don't have a description of this
jerk to expedite his capture. Not to many things worse in my
book than a thief.      

Don Tiana
Topanga Cyn., CA.

On Fri, 10 May 2002 06:44:17 -0600 "Bryan Appleby"
<> writes:
> The '67 Shelby that was stolen at Wicks' meet and the '65 that was 
> taken at
> Las Vegas were both stolen by the same guy - a (former) SAAC member 
> in
> California. Police have the cars and have impounded just about 
> everything he
> owns but have not caught him yet.
> He had spent time in prison in CA for bribery (he was accepting cash 
> to
> let cars through CA's smog check) and bought a registry while he was 
> in
> prison (I recall this because there were special instructions to 
> mail it to
> him).
> Big news A detective found 3 stolen Shelbys in San Diego, CA . the 
> 1965
> Shelby (orig owner car) that was stolen in Vegas  (little missing
> from it) the 1967 Shelby that was stolen in Tulsa, OK last year at 
> the mid
> america and a 1968 red Shelby conv.

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