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Forwarded: Re: finding TDC with the heads on

Subject: Forwarded: Re: finding TDC with the heads on
From: List Administration <>
Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2002 12:34:31 -0600 (MDT)
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     Date: Sun, 07 Apr 2002 11:21:41 -0500
     From: Wes Campbell <>
     Subject: Re: finding TDC with the heads on

I sent out a post earlier asking for help in finding TDC with the heads on 
the car.  I have a 1600 CC Kent Ford cross flow set up and I'm mounting the 
crank sensor for an Electromotive (distributor-less) ignition system.  It's 
a precise system and I had to be sure I had the sensor exactly at TDC for 
it to work properly.

I tried using my valve feeler gauge to figure out TDC with valve action, 
but, that proved to be too difficult if not impossible.  It wasn't very 
exact; I could rotate the engine several degrees without knowing exactly 
where TDC was.  So, I gave it some serious thought and came up with a 
creative solution that perhaps others can benefit from.

The solution:
The solution would require some concentration in hand rotating the engine 
because of the unevenness of the back pressure.  I need to free up my hands 
to concentrate on just that.  So, I took a multimeter that has the audible 
tone option for continuity or a short.  I attached one probe to the chassis 
and the other I wrapped tape around it to insulate it and provide a 
in-place-fit friction mount.  I  inserted that probe in the #1 spark plug 
hole with the piston as high as I could tell.

I rotated the engine by hand as slowly and as evenly as I could.  When the 
piston comes up and touches the probe, I get a audible tone and I stop 
rotating the engine.  I marked that spot with a little masking tape and a 
mark.  I then REVERSE the engine rotation 300+ degrees until the same thing 
happens.  I again mark that spot with a little masking tape and a mark.  I 
take a easy to read precision ruler and find the mid point between the two 
marks.  My TDC mark is now mid point between those two marks.

I now have my engine at TDC.  This method proved to be very exact.  I could 
repeat the process several times and the marks were always on the same 
spot.  Plus, with just a little hand pressure on the wrench use to rotate 
the engine, I could set the tone off and on.  The engine rotation for this 
action was unnoticeable by human eye.

Hope this helps someone else in the future.
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