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Shifting Article Applicability

To: "" <>
Subject: Shifting Article Applicability
From: keith franck <>
Date: Sat, 05 Jan 2002 18:26:01 -0800
Since I'm establishing the best engineering techniques to apply to some
of Hewland type gearbox's shifting problems. All models which are
similar to the Mark_5's mechanism design are applicable and will
benefit. This includes any clones of Hewlands.

This two page article does not cover the subject with enough detail to
alleviate you from needing to apply your own mechanical prowess to
properly apply this information. In other words, I don't provide nut and
bolt level of step by step instructions.

My total expertise is derived only from studying the one and only
Hewland I've ever disassembled. If I can remember the details maybe I
can offer some specific help on the Mark_5 only. IMHO, some design
aspects of this unit were not done in an optimal way for unknown
Keith Franck

Martinez, California

Hometown of the Martini

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