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To: <>,
Subject: CSRG
From: "Carl McLelland" <>
Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2001 23:19:26 -0800
Our club has taken a pretty good hammering the last couple months. A lot of
members have opened up on her; a lot of dissention has emerged, and in the
midst some good ideas for the future have emerged. At first I thought it was
me. I talked to Dan, and received a cold shoulder. Then Myles published his
letter and announced he was running for the board. I talked to some other
"junior" members and found out they, too, were speaking to "deaf ears". This
was followed by more and more people bringing up problems, shortcomings and
dislikes with the club. A little more research revealed a few long time
members who won't be back next year, and at least one new member who after
expressing extreme desire to race his car has withdrawn. To my way of thinking
folks, this indicates a problem.

Understand one thing up front: I LIKE CSRG! I will continue to race with CSRG,
I will continue to support CSRG and I'll make whatever contribution I can to
make CSRG succeed in the future. What I will not do is follow blindly along.
Living in Nevada and having to work for a living makes it difficult to attend
meetings and things of this nature. Thus, you will probably never see me at a
board meeting or anything other than a racing event.

Our club has a long, distinguished history. We have some very senior members,
and even after 30 years, at least one 'plank holder'. But CSRG isn't David
Love and his Testa Rossa, it isn't Dean Watts and his assortment of Porsches,
it isn't Myles Kitchen and his Lotus Cortina, it isn't me and my Alpine or
Lotus. It's each and every one of us, as individuals, who make up the whole.

Now I've got to admit: I'm not a real original thinker...... it takes too much
time. Also, I'm not much on reinventing the wheel. Whenever I encounter a
problem I like to take a look-see at how the next guy has handled this same
problem. The concept has worked pretty well for me for 54 years now, and has
enabled me to accomplish more than if I were treading upon 'virgin ground'.

So I ask myself, since I race with both CSRG and HSR-West; how does HSR manage
to provide so many 'free-bees' and have lower entry fees? About 27.3 seconds
of playing "Andy Sepowicz" revealed that HSR has SPONSORS! Maybe, just maybe
the SPONSORS pay for the entry gifts, and Friday evening wine get-together,
and Saturday night Dinner. Then I ask myself, why not tell Dan about SPONSORS.
It's my understanding the club is paying him a salary. What is he doing for
this salary? Are we getting "8 for 8"? Now maybe there is an accounting of his
time. Since I don't attend those meetings I can't say if he accounts for his
time or not. But to those of you who DO attend those meetings, how about
finding out!

I've got entirely too many hours into politicing for setting up race groups
for production cars based upon actual lap times rather than the "shotgun"
approach. I'm encouraged as I see others endorsing my suggestion. I guess what
mystifies me most, is that I was told it wouldn't work when I first suggested
it, but I've yet to find out WHY it won't work.

For you assembly language programmers, "Push P To List   $-15-$". (For you
non-assembly programmers, re-read the 4'th paragraph).

The club wants to raise entry fees and membership fees. If SPONSORS will
reduce operating expenses and/or defray the costs of things, why don't we have

I've heard that the club is in Dire Straits financially, and when that subject
was broached by 'non board members' who were running for the board, it was
said that we were in great financial shape. Pick one or the other, guys. One
things for sure...... and this email is going to everyone on the board who
publishes their email address: at the CSRG races at Sears Point in March, I
not accusing anyone of anything.... I just want to see for myself.

Myles raised the question of why we don't race at Laguna Seca. I'll go one
step further; why don't we race at Buttonwillow or Willow Springs? Willow
Springs is 380 miles from my driveway in Sparks, NV. It's probably about the
same from the Bay area. (Go to Gorman and turn left). Buttonwillow on the
other hand is much closer to the Bay than Sparks. HSR has an annual event at
Thunder Hill. HSR is a Southern California club. If THEY will drive that far
north, how many CSRG'ers will drive to Buttonwillow or Willow Springs in the
south? An interesting sidenote: at Thunder Hill, HSR reduces the entry fee by
$50.00 for anyone who drives over 300 miles one way as an incentive to race
there. Many of the CSRG'ers race Seattle and/or Portland with SOVERN. Trust
me, that's a hell of a lot further than the southern California tracks. So WHY
don't we go south?

Re-read the fourth paragraph.......

There's a ton of banter concerning the guy who builds a "cheater" engine. This
has even led to cars not being accepted into CSRG. Is this to prevent the 1300
Alfa (with 1800 or 2000 engine) from coming in and blowing away the
competition? Or is it because it's not "period correct"? The way I see it, you
just cheated yourself out of $50.00 membership fee, and $250.00 - $300.00 for
every entry fee. If the car "looks" period correct, and if the car passes tech
inspection, and if the driver has satisfied our 'licensing' requirements, then
let him race! If he's grouped according to his demonstrated lap times, then
his "cheater" engine in his 1300 Alfa is going to put him right up there
against Dean Watts in his 911, and the guy with the "1300" Alfa engine in the
"1300" Alfa can race against other people who have the same relative lap

Re-read the fourth paragraph.........

Why not invite other clubs to come race with us? I know this involves a
"political football", but it's something that should be investigated. It's
also a way to boost the number of entries. If we go play in their sandbox as
their guest we have to play by their rules. If they come play in our sandbox
they play by our rules. Simple as that!

Send out, with the entry forms for the next race, a suggestion form. Ask the
members what they consider to be the single most important that about CSRG,
and the single least important thing. The third question is to identify one
thing they would like to change, and the last question, HOW they would change

I could keep going; I'll stop for now. To reiterate; I like CSRG. I'll
continue to support CSRG, I'll continue to race with CSRG, and I'll continue
to tell you (CSRG) when I think your screw'in up. Someone said in another
letter that this sport is very expensive. I, for one, had to give up or
sacrifice other activities that I enjoy participating in to be able to vintage
race. I'm here because I want to be here. I like the people I'm out here with,
and I'm having a good time.

Let's make it better...................
            CSRG #247 series 1 Sunbeam Alpine
                              Lotus 61 formula Ford

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