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Re: survey: best sounding engine

Subject: Re: survey: best sounding engine
From: Tony Drews <>
Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2001 18:45:30 -0600
Here's a couple that come to mind for me:
Back in the late 70s / early 80s, there was an SCCA CSR that was running a 6 
2 cycle engine that I think was loosely based on a snowmobile motor.  There was
also a DSR that had a 4 cyl version.  These must have been outlawed as they
seemed to disappear after a couple of years of kicking major butt.  The scream
the 6 cyl put out flying down the front straight at Road America was finally
matched for me by a modern F-1 car turning 18,000+ RPM at Indy (my second
candidate - specifically, the McLaren).

Can-am reunion (missed it first time around).  Even if you can't hear, you can
FEEL these shake the ground.

Nascar winston cup stocker with flat plane crankshaft at full song.  Especially 
full field of them taking the green flag.

P-51 mustang (been mentioned already, but I certainly second it).

F-15 on full afterburner (especially if you don't expect it to fly by!).

Any unmuffled Ferrari V-12.

- Tony Drews

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