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Sad News

Subject: Sad News
From: Ralph Steinberg <>
Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2001 08:52:19 -0400
For those of you who knew him or for those who saw the back end of his 
wickedly fast SS100 David Milling passed away Wednesday October 10th. He 
died quickly from a massive heart attack.
   Dave raced a spitfire back in the early sixties and then latter raced in 
the Skip Barber series with his son Jay. In the late 80's he started 
vintage rallying in a 1938 SS100 we campaigned that car in cross country 
rallies till 1994 and it did a local rally of 300+ miles this past spring. 
He started vintage racing with the VSCCA in his black 1939 SS100, our 
affectionate nickname was the "lead sled" It has been described in one 
caption as having all the aero-dynamics of a chicken shed. Be that as it 
may over the last 12 seasons the lead sled has had many a great race at 
venues like Summit Point, Limerock, Pocono, Watkins Glen, Pittsburgh 
Vintage Grand Prix. Dave always felt that his cars should be driven and 
seen and he said that driving and just being in the vintage racing scene 
was one of life's greatest pleasures. Dave was instrumental in getting me 
into the seat of a race car and I have to echo his thoughts on vintage 
racing and the vintage racing world. he got as much enjoyment watching 
others in his cars, I got to race both his SS100 and his son's MGA Twin Cam 
{that I now own}. one of my favorite pictures of me in his car is with a 
pretty young lady getting a ride around Limerock in the SS. Dave always 
felt that if he could show a young person just a little of the fun and 
pleasure that an old car could give you he had had a good day.
   I will miss him greatly and I believe the Vintage racing World will too.
     Dave, where ever you are I hope the tracks are smooth and the weather dry.
      Ralph Steinberg

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