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Re: Re Peter started it

To: <>
Subject: Re: Re Peter started it
From: "Susan" <>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 08:23:00 -0400
Another big problem is educating drivers that once we've finished playing
with our toys we have to take care of them and put them away properly so we
can play with them next time. That means a post race check of everything to
be rebuilt, tightened or just plain fixed before the next race. The great
temptation is to come home after a long tow, shove the thing in the corner
and forget about it till 2 days before the next race and then get there and
wonder whether that noise you heard in turn 5 was really the wheel bearings
or the broken brake shoe.
Whether you do your own work or have a race shop do it, planning ahead in
this case really could save someone's life. We're all sometimes guilty of
this too, no time, money, whatever, but really there's no excuse.
Ralph's comments are right on the money.

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