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Re: IRP update

Subject: Re: IRP update
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 23:15:00 EDT
In a message dated 10/8/2001 9:12:07 PM, writes:

<< I just talked to Dick Naze on the phone and he is doing well, though he is
still in Methodist Hospital.  He said that when he put in the clutch to
downshift prior to turn 1, he felt a whole lot of pain and his right foot
was twisted under the brake and clutch pedal.  The bell housing shrapnel was
responsible for breaking three toes and hyperextending his foot. >>

I had caught up with him on the previous lap and was passing him when it 
blew. I couldn't tell what had happened but saw metal parts come flying from 
underneath his car. We were really haulin' the mail. I can't imagine he was 
doing his downshift at that point in the track as we were only about 3/4's of 
the way to the turn in point.

Maybe Irv had a better view that I did and can better describe where we were 
at the time of explosion. Glad to know Dick is OK and on the road to recovery 

Eric Funk
'60 Sunbeam Alpine Series II

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