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Re: Early Downforce

Subject: Re: Early Downforce
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 14:18:30 -0500
At 11:59 AM 8/16/01 Carl McLelland wrote:
>Jim Hall was quite the innovator/inventor back then: automatic transmission,
>effective use of wings and spoilers, etc. T'was always fun to watch him. He
>was a competitor to be taken very, VERY seriously!!
>   Carl

Jim H. had his Chaparral 1, 2, 2E, 2F and 2J at Road America 7/19-22. One day
the 2E was taken out for a 2 lap run. The next day the Chaparral 2 appeared
for a couple of circuits. For the Can-Am feature race, one of the 2 pace laps
was led by the Chaparral 1. As Gary Speckman said in an earlier post - it was
quite a treat.

I can still remember the first time I saw the 2J at speed: Race engine at full
song... 2-cycle fan engine screaming with a tell-tale blue smoke rooster tail
emanating from the rear... and the sound of Lexan dragging on asphalt :-)

VSCDA Bugeye #70
Cedarburg WI

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