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Re: duryea hillclimb report

To: Charles Christ <>
Subject: Re: duryea hillclimb report
From: Derek Harling <>
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 02:22:46 -0400
Fog never bothered Erik Carlson and he did it for days on end - and 
occasionally "on the roof"!
I guess that dates me doesn't it?

Charles Christ wrote:

>you all have been waiting for this...right?  :)
>i was not at the hill on saturday.  the reports from other competitors was
>rain (in buckets at times) and lightning strikes fouling timing and
>scoring's equipment at times on saturday.  our arrival sunday morning was
>uneventful.  the weather was threatening all day!  a few sprinkles here and
>there but looked like it was going to pour any given moment from the black
>clouds that kept thoughtfully passing over during the day.
>early runs in the day had a course damp at spots but not too bad as long as
>you were being careful coming out of corners.  the big scare for me (and
>many others after comparing notes later) was the clear start at the bottom
>of the hill and "surprise" fog at the upper end of the course.  the fog after
>the finish line was un-nerving if not erie to the drivers gathered at the
>top awaiting their return down the hill.  you could hear the next car coming
>up the hill....then lifting after crossing the finish line.....but you could
>not see the car coming in the fog until it the car was a bit too close for
>comfort .  we were staged after turn around on the (as you came up the hill)
>right side  and instructions were to stay "left" after you passed the finish
>line going to turn around.   there is always someone who does not listen.
>a few stray deer caused a few anxious moments for a few competitors too.
>so deer, fog, (also a few spectators that got out of the protected spectator
>areas crossing the course) and a few wet spots here and there made for a
>challenging run on the hill.   heck!  if i would have passed a guy driving
>on the hill reading the paper on his steering wheel, a lady applying make up
>in her rear view mirror and a person on a cell phone i would have thought i
>was experiencing a normal commute to work on one of the lehigh valley's
>finer highways!  lol!  (please, this is a joke!  the course workers were
>doing a very good job of trying to keep the course safe.)
>late in competition on sunday saw a competitor put his mustang into the
>woods.  he was uninjured .   but it took long enough to get the course
>cleaned up that a 4th run for the day was cancelled.   there was a good turn
>out of cars, well over 60 i'm told.  i came home with a third place in class
>and wished i had that 1 more run since third and second place were just
>under 2 seconds apart in my class and i had just put in a "new" set of plugs
>for my 4th run.....*sad*.
>any way it was a good day in pennsylvania for going up hill fast!   that's
>my story and i'm sticking to it!  lol!
>orange saab #25 (official hillclimb pest control car)  lol!  :)

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