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Re: Neck Muscles

To: "Derek Harling" <>,
Subject: Re: Neck Muscles
From: "Charles Christ" <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 00:36:25 -0000
umm i could help you relieve you strained neck could
wedge my calorie challenged frame into the car and i would be helping you
imensely!   lol!
i could reccomend going to a gym and working out with your neck using a
strap around your forehead attached to a weight machine and do some low
weight full range of motion exercises doing fliud movement with no jerky
motions.  jerky motions may strain your neck muscles and you do not wish to
do that.  the fluid movement will offer a basic resistance with wich you
will be gaining better muscular controll over time.  as for a starting
weight to use try around the helmet weight.   it may seem not enough weight
but after 30min. it will seem like a ton.  be carefull not to over do it!  i
have extensive experience in physical rehabilitation from personal injuries.
i am not a therapist!  but have recovered from numerous life changine
injuries and watched others doing the same.   this type of exercise will
strengthen your neck muscles without ending up with a neck looking like a

----- Original Message -----
From: Derek Harling <>
To: Vintage Race <>
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 3:06 AM
Subject: Re: Neck Muscles

> I was sent this info in response to my request (heavy helmet syndrome).
Judging by the age of
> the people in the pics it should ideal!  Maybe after a week I'll progress
to doing it with the
> helmet on.  Derek
> >>

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