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Re: Selling TR-4A.

Subject: Re: Selling TR-4A.
From: "Mark J. Bradakis" <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 02:26:02 -0600 (MDT)
      For $150, I'll ship you the seats. ;-)

Hmmm, I guess I'll have to rethink my bid.  Drat.

    BTW, I checked out the web site for Intermountain Vintage Racing and was
    impressed, especially with the touring class event.  It seems lower key 
    than anything available around here, which would better suit both my
    budget and my level of expertise.

Yes, IVR is certainly low key.  Probably a little *too* disorganised for some
folks, and those who demand cars with pedigrees (Shouldn't they also be
demanding that the *drivers* have papers too?) would likely faint as they
pulled into the paddock, if they didn't turn the rig around quickly enough.
I will say there is certainly much to be said and respected about 'period
correct' and real racing history, and I wish Utah had the cars and drivers
to support it.  As some of you know, I'm a Triumph guy, and Kas Kastner used
to actually race here in Salt Lake City at one time.  That was a few years
ago.  Anyway, with Intermountain Vintage Racing, we do what we can with
what we have on hand.

The 'vintage' part of the name is somewhat misleading, as basically we let
anyone who passes tech run.  The Touring class is really just higher speed
autocross, we don't require much beyond SCCA Solo II stuff for that.  As I
recall, the first event or two we would send out the groups of two or three
Touring drivers for a 20 minute session, same chunk of time as the racers.
It gave the inexperienced drivers a chance to indelibly etch onto their
brains the true meaning of 'brake fade.'  We now just run Touring cars for
10 minute stints, and drivers are still impressed with the demands that even
those short sessions put on their cars.  Some drivers really enjoy it, and
come out to events a little more prepared every time.  Some folks we never
see again.

For the wheel to wheel racing, we are more stringent on safety gear and such,
but we don't really care what you run.  We have had cars that would be right
at home on a "real" vintage grid, we've had Cobra replicas, Legends cars,
various Mustangs and Camaros, a whole slew of first generation RX7s, a third
generation RX7 with a 20B three rotor motor [awesome car!], a couple of my
Spitfires [less than awesome] Formula Fords, etc. all race at one time or

The 'vintage' in the name doesn't come so much from the cars we allow to
grace our presence, it comes from the old fashioned concept of a handful of
folks who like cars and like to drive fast laying out a course on the old
airport and having a ton of fun.  Real run what ya brung stuff, then maybe
some beer, bbq and stretching the truth a bit in the pits afterwards.

You know, how much time do you spend thinking about 'period correct' as you
follow a car into Conair Corner, knowing you can brake better and corner
better and if you can just get your nose tucked into line a few feet sooner...


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