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Re: 95TH running of giants despair hillclimb

Subject: Re: 95TH running of giants despair hillclimb
From: "Mark J. Bradakis" <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 19:33:29 -0600 (MDT)
Gee, I was just thinking of hillclimbs Sunday, both the ones we (Intermountain
Vintage Racing) used to run in Utah, and Giant's Despair.  I spent sunday
helping a fellow move most of his Lotus collection from the building he was
renting to the one he just bought.  And one of the cars we moved is a Lotus
11 (now green) which he says used to be known as 'The Yellow Peril' and still
holds the overall record for Giants Despair.

Not being familiar with the event, I can't confirm or deny the claim, I just
would like to see hillclimbs return to the mountains around Salt Lake.  But
with Olympic consctruction taking away our two previous sites, we've got no
place to run.  Well, there are plenty of roads around, just none we can
safely and legally use for our event.  So it goes.


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