Rod and Brian have both given similar thought to mine. When I changed the Mini
from 1275 to 970
it reacted just like yours is now. My cure was to down size chokes (as well as
waste 2 race
weekends!). Why did you go bigger? If you know you are getting more top end
BHP then just
ignore the low speed problem - it is a race car right? On the other hand if
you want better low
speed driveability then go back to the smaller chokes.
I know Dave Dixon is no longer in business but $500 dyno time with someone like
him can set up
your carburation far better than road testing.
Dr Brian's reply gave a fuller run down on things to check.
Cheers - Derek
Rick Cook wrote:
> All you Weber gurus. I've changed chokes from 33 to 35 on my 1500 Lotus
> seven (2-40DCOE's) and am having a time getting the thing to idle worth a
> damn. Chokes were a tight fit, checked the floats, fuel pressure, checked
> for air leaks, changed mains till I'm going nuts. Idle jets are the same F9
> (fairly rich) but idle mixture screws work right. I've run it down the road
> once and it pulled good at speed, but it will bog down while idling till it
> quits. Acts like it's flooding but what would cause this by changing to
> bigger chokes?