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Re: Mid-50s racing in Beverly, MA

Subject: Re: Mid-50s racing in Beverly, MA
From: "Herb Tobin" <>
Date: Sun, 13 May 2001 23:38:38 -0400
>Steven Silverstein asked:
>Would anybody have any details regarding the sports car races in Beverly, 
>during the Mid-50's?

I don't have any programs from the Beverly races, but I was there at least 
one year, possibly two. The year(s) had to be '54, '55, or '56.

I remember this because it was at this race, held at the Beverly airport 
that I first saw a Bentley Continental, considered then, as now, one of the 
best and certainly most sporting of all Rolls-Royce built cars. What 
especially impressed me is that the Bentley was not racing, but was being 
used by the Briggs Cunningham racing team as a kind of pickup truck. I 
remember watching as one of Cunningham's mechanics left the pit area in full 
working clothes, grease and all, to jump into the Bentley to do some sort of 
errand. To a kid in an MGTD this was very intimidating stuff.

Herb Tobin


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