lol! a guy very close to me has a street legal half track with rubber
tracks on it that is ww2 vintage. evry so often he drives it into town to
go shopping and he has a german shepard the sits up in the machine gun
turret area and will guard the vehicle while he is shopping. quite a sight
to see! btw. it is also restored in proper olive drab with all the
military stenciling on it too!
he is a member of the military vehicle collector's group.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: Track vehicles
> Gona have to stake a claim early, so sign me up.
> A neighbor has a WW2 half track built by White. Would that work? It
> very fast but the traction is second to none.
> Don