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R & R at "The 'Ring"

Subject: R & R at "The 'Ring"
From: "Ralph D. Edelbach" <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 15:37:58 -0500
The current issue of Sports Illustrated (Jan 15, 2001) has a fantastic
10 page article on driving the Nurburgring. I just picked up a copy
after my son told me about it and the new edition is evidently coming
out soon so copies may not be available much longer at your local

I was fortunate to spend a few days testing my driving skills there
twice. Once many years when my wife and I attend the 1965 German Grand
Prix and again in 1999 when my son was TDY in Germany for his company.

Some day soon I hope to post some photos and other information on my web
site about the latest experience for anyone who might be interested.
Drove a Ford Escort I believe in '65 and a 5-series, 5-speed BMW in '99.
Want to venture a guess which one was more fun?

Even though the present track at 14 miles is a little bit shorter than
it was  in '65, it still brings shivers to my spine thinking about the
experience. A lot of things to do in the area in case high-speed
cruising on the "Nordschliefe" (?) gets boring.  FAT CHANCE!!!!

There was even a vintage racing event going on at the GP circuit so we
had a chance to see some very interesting machines too.

Ralph Edelbach

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