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Re: DBCOM /AMB Transponders

Subject: Re: DBCOM /AMB Transponders
From: Grant Reynolds <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001 09:30:45 -0500 wrote:
> I bought an AMB hard wired transponder last year from the SCCA Northern New
> Jersey Region.  It is required to run in their Volvo Historic Series, which I
> run in twice a year at Lime Rock.  I think it will become the standard SCCA
> transponder since NNJ (and, I believe, the other regions who have tried it)
> seem to have had good experiences with it.  NNJR sold it last year with a
> discounted price and free shipping.    I wired it into the master switch so
> its a no-brainer on my part.  At the end of each session you get a printout
> of the time for each lap for each competitor, just in case you are anal in
> analyzing your and your competitor's times.
> If it makes Neil's life easier, I'm for it.  (Specially since its already
> paid for!)
> Chris Gross
> Ex-Mini Racer, Now Vintage Bugeye Driver
AMB is the SCCA standard. 2001 GCR, 8.1.4.A, says any transponder
required must be AMB or AMB-compatible(I don't think there is any such
thing). A Region doesn't have to use a transponder, but if it does, it
has to be AMB-compatible.
Grant Reynolds

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