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Fwd: Triumphs and roll overs

To: (Vintage list)
Subject: Fwd: Triumphs and roll overs
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 17:57:48 EDT

I want everyone to understand my, and hence, the SVRA take on this sort of 

The bottom line is SAFE, FAIR, FUN. Use good sense in improving reliability.

Make the car look correct.

Make it SAFE.

Time is too valuable at the premier tracks to waste time getting some gerbil 
out of a gravel trap because his 40 year old whatsit broke.  Or worse, having 
to explain to his heirs that there was a simple fix but it wouldn't have been 

And I am dead serious about open headlight holes and air dams!

Jack Woehrle
SVRA technical director

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Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 11:24:07 EDT
Subject: Re: Triumphs and roll overs
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In a message dated 7/27/00 7:35:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time, BillDentin 

<< This is especially true if we do not go back to tall, skinny tires. >>


As one who has been "in the trenches" on the tire issue for many years, this 
just won't happen. We, SVRA, took a stand on bias-ply tires 5 years ago in 
group three and almost went bankrupt on the fallout from the Porsche boycott. 
I believe it was and is the right thing to do, but it was not a universally 
popular decision.

FORCING people into a situation after the fact is usually confrontational and 

We can hold the line if the tire manufacturers continue to produce what we 
now have.

It is a lot like trying to stop the natural flow of water. You can alter the 
flow and change its course, but you cannot stop it or push it back.

I have taken a position accross the board to permit things that make our cars 
more durable and reliable. Most of us do not use that to unfairly improve 
performance capability. I will deal with those that do in various ways 
including moving to a higher class or group, or completely rejecting an entry.

I want SAFE cars that don't hurt drivers. I want RELIABLE cars that don't 
spill oil on the track and don't wreck or break down so that we have to close 
the track to get them in. Above all, I want the cars to LOOK correct even if 
a TR has a Ford diff. or whatever. I hate air dams and open headlight holes. 
They look wrong. Who can tell if the rear axle is of a different maker?

That's my view of it.



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