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RE: theories

To: "'Michael Gee'" <>,
Subject: RE: theories
From: "Pat Ryan" <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 23:56:32 -0500
Michael, I have my own theories:
1. Too many drivers who don't agree that vintage racing is for fun. They
think it is serious racing and try to win at all costs.
2. They do not get adequate training before going on track.
3. They get too little track time to be competent. Many do only a couple
of events every year.
4. They take silly chances trying to pass or will actively block faster
5. They are ignorant of and/or ignore flags.
6. Speed is more important in car prep than safety.
7. They cheat because "everybody else does it."
8. They do not comprehend that racing is dangerous.

And officials are not blameless:
1. Passing cars in tech that have no business on the track.  I remember
a TR that broke in half from a rusted frame at an event a few years ago,
injuring the driver.
2. Not disciplining drivers for blatantly ignoring flags - esp. passing
under yellow.
3. Ignoring contact incidents.
4. Not requiring adequate driver qualifications or training.
5. Not requiring identification of rookie drivers.
6. Tolerating stupid behavior.

Here! Here!

This list is well thought out and very comprehensive. It enumerates most of
the problems.

Ah, but what about the solutions?  (entering soapbox mode)

The continuing dilemma is that sanctioning bodies must all strive to make a
profit, often at the expense of all you see above.

The solutions to most of these problems are more simple than you might

Publish clear and consistent rules. Involve the drivers in rule and driver
enforcement....peer pressure is the only practical and effective enforcement
mechanism if this is going to be fun.  Get frequent input from
entrants/drivers. Initiate two way communications between sanctioning bodies
and entrants. Encourage racing groups to socialize and organize.  These all
are sadly missing in current vintage racing.

Vintage racing is an amateur sport with an inherent investment and should be
controlled by the investors themselves (owners and drivers).  Unfortunately
the majority prefer a "benevolent dictator" (let George do it).  I only know
of two or three out of 50 or more organizations that seem to make this
concept work and one excludes more cars and owners than they include and the
other two exclude almost no one.

Democracy does not have to be like SCCA.  SCCA is an organization for
everyone....worker, spectator, solo entrant, race driver, whatever. You pays
your membership and you votes your interest.

There is plenty of money available to support this sport and it is located
in the paddock.  Band this money together (and the talent that made it) and
use it to hire management to run your club the way the majority want it run.
Make sure you have enough participants to avoid would-be dictators.  Profit
ain't out there unless you own the gate at a major track, so why make it
your primary focus?  Spend the money to assure the fun, fairness and safety.

Track owners dictate to sanctioning bodies.  Sanctioning bodies look the
other way to accept more entries because entry fees are their only
significant source of revenue. Owner/drivers who can see these problems have
no venue for rectification.

Meanwhile the sanctioning bodies look beyond your entry fees for the magic
formula..... Sponsorship? (eyeballs are scarce, and what few are available
are owned by the track)  More entries? (over time this equals lower quality
cars and drivers, plus compromised principles on rules, not to mention
reduced track time and reduced spectator interest because of the lower
quality)  Newer and newer cars? (this works pretty well on the short term,
but when you get to 1995 it is hard to call it vintage, and over time things
still continue to fall off)

Why is it that there are only a handful of professional sanctioning bodies
and 50+ vintage racing sanctioning bodies?  In my excruciatingly humble
opinion there are too many "would be" benevolent dictators (profit required)
and not enough owner/drivers willing to give of their time and experience.
Pogo was right.  We have seen the enemy and the enemy is "us".

Do something!!!....Even if it's wrong.  Get involved! Be part of the
solution! (exiting soapbox mode)

Racing Regards,

Pat Ryan
Resident of LA (Lower Alabama)

OK Mr. Woehrle, LA has been heard from.  Mid-O was much better this year.
We are in "wait and see mode" re HSR/SVRA.

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