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Re: Club Thicko North (Mosport)

To: "Thickos" <>,
Subject: Re: Club Thicko North (Mosport)
From: "Wm. Severin Thompson" <>
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 22:28:15 -0500
Oh... one more thing... if you play an instrument... bring it. If you
sing...bring a voice, huh?


----- Original Message -----
From: Wm. Severin Thompson <>
To: Thickos <>; vintage race list
Cc: Vaughn Rockney <>; Matthew Primack
<>; little britain motor company <>;
Judy Marchione <>; Judy Cull <>; Gene Carter
<>; Craig Eddie Haskel Bielat <>;
Charles Maranto <>; Burt Levy
<>; BillDentin <>;
Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2000 9:58 PM
Subject: Club Thicko North (Mosport)

> To all,
> Thickos will again invade our neighbors to the north for the VARAC Vintage
> Classic 2000, June 30, July 1 & 2. Despite the long pull from the Cheddar
> Curtain,/Land of Lincoln border... it's a "must" event. Enough track time
> send you off looking for more race gas, and a fast, fast track that will
> send you searching for courage, horsepower... or both.
> Rick Gurolnick (AKA Dr. Dreadful) and his ultra quick 356 will be there,
> Roger (Wayward) Garnett, Danny (the Jeweler), Paul (Otis) Fitzsimmons, and
> myself, (Flounder) will once again brave Canadian customs. Haven't heard
> whether Rick (Bigfoot) Cook will attend in his new Land Barge. Thickos
> have pledged their usual warm welcome.
> There's apparently a trackside meal provided by the club for Saturday...
> we are planning a scaled down version of "Club Thicko" for Friday. Club
> Thicko is an evolution of our animal sacrifice pit parties that have
> continued to grow to unbelievable numbers. At the recent Blackhawk
> we fed over 75 Friday... with just an impromptu deal... and Saturday, the
> numbers swelled to over 200. I kid you not. We set up a PA system and play
> music most of the day, play a little live music in the evening, and cook
> massive amounts of burnt cow and other offerings. Here's how it works. We
> attempt to coordinate what to bring, we fire up the grilles, and get to
> Our Minister of Food and Beverage , Jim (Elmo Mancini... the Meatball
> Magnate from Logantucky) Donato is not attending... so please, if you like
> to join us, just let me know what you're able to bring. Everyone is
> welcome... this is an "inclusive", rather than "exclusive" deal, OK?
> So, we're looking forward to racing with our talented comrades to the
> and hope to see you in Thicko Village on Friday night.
> Flounder
> Team Thicko

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