Again, and as always with viruses, go here:
to get the facts and updates. There is also a link on that page that
covers hoaxes, but this one is not a hoax.
At 10:02 AM 5/4/00 -0500, you wrote:
>This is for real, from a person who is responsible for removing this
>virus from the computer system at his place of work.
>-------- Original Message --------
>Subject: Virus warning: "I love you" messages
>Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 09:52:48 -0500
>From: Tony Drews <>
>Reply-To: Tony Drews <>
>To: "Drews, Chris" <>, "Drews, Jack"
><>,"Schaubroeck, Beth"
><>,"Schaubroeck, Tim"
><>,"Drews, Samantha" <>,"Drews,
>Julie at work" <>,Meditech-L list
><>,MUSE List <>,"O'Connor,
>Molly" <>,Team Thicko <>,Amici
>Triumphi <>
>Hi, there's a new virus in the field that the anti-virus companies are
>scrambling to get a fix for. Several large companies in our area
>(including ours) have been infected with it. It is a message entitled
>"I love you" and contains an attachment which it urges you to open. If
>you open it, you have the virus, and it just sent it to all of the folks
>in your address book. Delete the message immediately, and then delete
>it again from your wastebasket or deleted messages folder.
>- Tony Drews