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HMSA & TR-4A'S ?

Subject: HMSA & TR-4A'S ?
From: Don <>
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 18:35:25 -0700 (PDT)
Last I heard, HMSA was not accepting TR-4A's.
Chris, if you're out there please clarify.
Nick, HSR will take your car. As you know they
have a 6/24 event at T-Hill.
Don Queen

--- wrote:
> Never one to stop the masochism, we're gonna
> try to run the Duke in the HMSA 
> race in June. A question to the local racers on
> tire choices. HMSA will not 
> allow my Yoko's, but will allow Dunlop L,
> Hoosier Vintage TD, or BFG TA R1 
> tires. 
> My question is which one seems to be the most
> common (best?) on the mid class 
> front engine rear drive production cars?
> Especially on my TR4A.
> All experiences, biases, and conjectures
> welcome...
>          Nick of Nor Cal

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