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Re: Vintage grouping, etc.

To: Mark Palmer <>,
Subject: Re: Vintage grouping, etc.
From: Jim Hayes <>
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2000 19:16:29 -0500
Mark Palmer wrote:
> Good comment ... in my view (sorry!), mirrors are perhaps the MOST important 
>safety devices on the car.  
>   The driver must use his mirrors many, many times per race
> session ... 

Couldn't agree more. My primary flight instructor was a ex-Navy test
pilot and instructor, and he used to beat into me the idea of never
letting your eyes be still. Always move around looking for other planes
(which in some cases might be shooting at you, but are more likely to be
running into you...).
Same goes for a racetrack. A good driver is never surprised when a
faster car overtakes him/her, because they have been watching the car
catch up to them. That's what mirrors are for. However, I've seen many
people who are so focused on putting the car on line or are scared
stiff, they never see you coming up on them. Given time, they may learn
to use mirrors, but I never assume anybody I'm passing has seen me!

Jim Hayes  Winchester, MA, USA    
All generalizations, with the possible exception of this one, are false!

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