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Re: dealing with drivers in a tactfull manner

Subject: Re: dealing with drivers in a tactfull manner
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 01:10:15 EST
In a message dated 03/21/2000 9:35:11 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< I certainly have no desire to get into a confrontation with someone
 who's done something unsafe or overly-aggressive, even though I may be
 the only one who sees it and could bring it to the other person's
 attention.  It isn't really fair to expect a volunteer board to enforce
 everything if we are willing to ignore breaches of responsible vintage
 driving.  While not everyone has the tact to be able to discuss such
 things without arousing hostility, but we ought to do our best to make
 clear to our fellow competitors the kind of conduct we really expect,
 even if it means going up to a stranger, or to a friend, and saying, in
 essence, that's not what we like to see here.
 Tom M.
 Elva Courier #43
When I was at the Button Willow course last year, the flagman really had a 
BRIGHT idea! He flagged those of us who were over enthusiastic and mentioned 
that we were leading less skiled drivers into  precarious situations! What a 
GREAT way to handle it!
Michael Rogers

British Cars are for ENTHUSIASTS

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