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Re: Myles vs Formula cars

To: <>
Subject: Re: Myles vs Formula cars
From: "Bruce Mansell" <>
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 06:36:59 +1100
Jerry, at least Myles has a Lotus Cortina, They were built to race in the
heyday of saloon car racing of the sixty's. Don't you remember the terrific
dicing on the UK circuits and elsewhere between the Cortinas and the Mk 2
Jags and even such beasts as a Ford Galaxy, We even had a looooonatic with a
huge Chrysler product which needed a tennis court sized parking space. Then
the Minis arrived and ruined everything.
Bruce, Lotus 22 junior, Brabham BT21 twin cam and Lotus Elite racer. Race
anything with wheels!!

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