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the demise of the craftsman . . .

To: "Simon Favre" <>, <>
Subject: the demise of the craftsman . . .
From: "Langsten" <>
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 20:53:38 -0500
This radiator problem you mention Simon, about the loss of shops capable of
working on copper and brass, . . . . .

look to the big truck service facilities, many still use this style
radiator, and they often have their own network . . . .

who knows, you might find some guy who would love to work on something that
doesn't require a crane to lift!

I have found after 18 years in engineering that the old skills seemingly go
away, but some just get transplanted and redefined.

heat treating moves to vacuum furnace work . . . . or cryo treating,
depending on application

and so radiator work may have moved to the other side of the street . . .


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  • the demise of the craftsman . . ., Langsten <=