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RE: Masten Gregory's stunts...believe them or not?

To: "' '" <>,
Subject: RE: Masten Gregory's stunts...believe them or not?
From: Jim Hill <>
Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2000 03:51:34 -0600
8 November 1985  

Lee Raskin wrote:

>Regarding Masten Gregory's death.  Someone 
>may be a bit  confused over the private plane 
>crash deaths of Curtis Turner and Lance 
>Reventlow in the early '70s,  and Al Holbert 
>in the late '80s ...with Gregory's fatal heart
>attack just a few years ago.

Masten Gregory died on November 8, 1985.

>More importantly.....Masten Gregory was one 
>of the great American Sports Car privateers 
>of the 1950s...

Indeed. He also scored 21 points in 38 Formula 1 Grand Prix starts.

Jim Hill
Madison WI

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